Brain Disease Foundation


Brain Disease Foundation is an independent, non-profit and tax-exempt Swiss foundation, which is mainly financed by donations, legacies, bequests and sponsoring.

With your support you enable us to make more significant progress in the field of research, education, prevention and therapy of neurological diseases.


Every donation counts and makes an important contribution to support the commitment of the Brain Disease Foundation.

As we are a non-profit and tax-exempt Swiss foundation, you can make your donation tax deductible. Of course you will receive a donation receipt from us and you can decide if you want your name to be listed in our list of benefactors.

Thank you very much for supporting us.

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Donation account

Brain Disease Foundation
CH-8702 Zollikon
UBS Switzerland AG
Zürich Bahnhofstrasse 45
CH21 0025 9259 1165 9101 E
QR-Code (Payment slip):


Companies can support the work of the Brain Disease Foundation with a sponsorship.

As a partner or sponsor, your company has the opportunity to support various projects in the areas of research, education and therapy.

Are you interested in a partnership or sponsorship?

Please contact us. We will be happy to provide information and discuss our potential collaboration with you.

Do you have any questions?

Please contact us, we will be happy to answer them and give you further information.